Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Readings

Currently, Nothing. I am reading absolutely nothing. I wish I could read more. There was a time where I hated reading, but when I read it is a nice, refreshing form of entertainment then watching t.v. or video games. Reading allows you to imagine a whole new world full of wondrous things. Actually, I have to take back what I said. I am reading something just not lengthy. Idk. Anyways, I read manga's, Japanese comic books pretty much. I read Bleach and Naruto every weekend when they update them. It's a way for me to go into my youthful, childish self. I do recommend reading a manga. The Japanese have some really creative ideas. But if I were to recommend something, like a novel, I'd recommend the Harry Potter's if you haven't already read them... or my favorite book The Things They Carried, written by Tim O'brien. Really great book. Well that's it for me. Thanks GUYS! Enjoy my recommendations if you pick them up!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Can We Truly Be Original

A student turns in their assignment on a book report. The student makes wonderful connections with the book using literary criticism. He receives his report back with an “A” stabbed on the front of his paper, the red ink streaking down the page, and a note reads “Wow! Great connections! I’ve never seen it put that way before!” Proud of his originality, the boy goes home, shows his parents the report and they laugh. “Son,” they both say, “we read that same book years before you were born and noticed the exact same thing in the book.” His parents embraced their son at how proud they were of their similarities they shared with their son, but the boy was crying inside at the truth that he was truly not as original as he had hoped. At that same moment, students, professors and academics are finding out how unoriginal they truly are. Later the boy went up to his room, called his friend to come over, and once his friend did, they proceeded to plan out how they can truly become original. Originality in society is very dangerous; in fact, originality can be very fatal. The boys thought long and hard and when the boys gazed at each other’s eyes, deep down in each others souls, they saw the only possible answer of originality: homosexuality. The first two homosexuals the world has ever seen. In society, people cannot be original; in academics, people cannot be original. If people decide to become original, sprout new and innovated ideas to “improve” life, then society will die down little by little while the world gets taken over by the endangered species, the homosexual human.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

In Sacramento

Man, I just keep getting more and more used to coming back to Sacramento. Unfortunately the visit isn't for pleasure too much. My abuelita is in the hospital. Luckily she's been feeling better. I just hope she can come out soon. UGH! See you guys tomorrow.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hi, if anyone is reading this, what is the homework. It's a little confusing on iLearn.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Essay 2

Wikipedia is one of the many advances that has come with the age of technology. It has innovated many from there natural lives to typing in what they need to learn and there answers lay within Wikipedia's endless and abundant source of knowledge. However, there are many out there, especially in the academia world, who feel that Wikipedia should not be used as a source for essays, dissertations, and research studies. Many feel, with Wikipedia's free-for-all editing, that a lot of the sources cannot be credible to academic concepts. Since Wikipedia is not a primary nor secondary source of information, many have banned it from being an academic source. But, with all the flaws that people point out of Wikipedia, it is Wikipedia that has been able to maintain such a reliable source of knowledge by posting links to other sources or by having people who keep an eye on Wikipedia. I feel that if done properly, and accordingly, Wikipedia should be used as a device to help site sources, but not as a cited source.
One of the main concerns people express with Wikipedia is that of its reliability content. "How do users know if Wikipedia is as accurate as established sources such as Encyclopaedia Britannica?" states Jim Giles on the nature of Wikipedia. If anyone can edit such source then it should not be used as strong evidence for any argument. On the well known show the Colbert Report, host Stephan Colbert "praised Wikipedia for 'wikiality,' the reality that exists if you make something up and enough people agree with you - it becomes reality."(Newsvine) Stephan Colbert proceeded to insist that his audience change articles that elephants have tripled in population. This stunt was done and pulled off from the Colbert Report's viewers and lead to Wikipedia administrators blocking many people including Wikipedia where Stephan Colbert then stated, sarcastically, he is just "a defender of the truth." With stunts like these, it does make you wonder whether or not to trust Wikipedia, but how many people spend there days fabricating lies on Wikipedia? Why is other websites easily trusted? Can they not be easily fabricated? Little things that make you wonder whether or not Wikipedia should be trusted.